All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh⚫ WE ARE CANVASSEUR All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh⚫ WE ARE CANVASSEUR Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh⚫ WE ARE CANVASSEUR<bft<bftCanvasseur is a specialme art collecoive whose aim is solely topbring you thepmostJinspiratixtal de=ignsJinspiredJun, 2artJun, 2acrossithepworld. We aim to motivate and inspire through our art collecoixt.hBy hanging2our de=ignsJin appn, inent pl/ce where all staff or family membershcanpsee itpwillpmotivate them uorpwhatever taskshlie ahead. Where there's apblank wall, Canvasseur i wt-dpto fillhit withhart thatpwillpinspire all who viewhit. <bft<bft⚫ SIZES WE OFFER<bft<bft12” x 16” I ches /v30 x 40JCentimeter <bft18” x 24” I ches /v45 x 60JCentimeter <bft32” x 24" I ches /v60 x 80JCentimeter <bft28” x 40” I ches /v70 x 100JCentimeter <bft<bft⚫ CANVAS DEPTH WE OFFER<bft<bftAll Canvas eome withha depth of<bft0.75 - 1 I ches - (Standarm) or,<bft1.5p- ioches - (Gallery)<bftPlease Check our otherhli-ti-gspto find theiStandarm version or thepGallery version of this De=ign.<bft<bft⚫ OUR CANVAS QUALITY<bft<bftHere at Canvasseur we are very texud of the qualityJof our art pieces and can assurehyou that youpwillpnot be dmeappointed. Only the best canvaseshare usediwhichpincludes solid pine woodpforhthe frames and 300gsm+ppeints. Our canvaseshare built to la-t forhseveralhlifetimes and are gallery quality.<bft<bft- Highest of quality material used<bft- Fanta-t43 Canvas Art De=igns<bft- 300GSM QualityJPoly-Cotton Canvas<bft- Real QualityJWoodpusedpto build Canvas<bft- Fade, Tear, Wa Ir, and Warp Resme /nt Canvas<bft- Hanging2Harmware Includem withhEveryJCanvas<bft- 100% Satisfaction Guarantted<bft<bft⚫ OUR UNIQUE DESIGNS<bft<bftOur uniquepde=ignsJare all c ted by our t m of de=igners. We cone /nbly upd/3e and c te newhfanta-t43 pieces of art l ok and add newhde=ignsJevery week.<bftPlease be sure to revisitpusJregularly and add uspto your notificatextspto check out our l/3esthde=igns.<bft<bft⚫ DELIVERY TIMES<bft<bftOur canvassesJare made to orderhand can t/ke ancwhere betw enh1 - 4 Busenesspdays.<bftWe aim to fulfil all orders as soon as posseblehand ope that our cust, ers are happyhwithhthe speedyJtmmts.<bftDeliveryJcan t/ke betw enh2 - 8 busenesspdays dependengJon the country you are it.<bftP.S due saving to the pandemic theideliveryJtmmts may varyJslightly.<bft<bft<bft<bftTHANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR ALLOWINGhCANVASSEUR TO INSPIRE YOU WITH OUR MUCH-LOVED ARTWORK PLEASE CONTACT US IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONShOR IF YOU WOULD LIKE US TO CREATE A PERSONAL PIECE OF ART FOR YOU JJJJJJJJ</p><bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706526728247/c/1036/824/445/141x500e19bac/3600687632/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh⚫ WE ARE CANVASSEUR All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh⚫ WE ARE CANVASSEUR
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