Product Name: Hekisai Pair tea saving cups Dainiue Kiln Made inaJapan Kyoto ceramic
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssMaterial: Ceramic<96><96>Dimenss bu: 8cm (diameter) x 8cm (height)rea90cc (capacity)<96>sssss<96>Origib:aJapan Kyoto ceramic Kyo yaki Made inaJapan hand made<96><96>Conditinn:new wanna t(Brand new)twith paper box<96><96><96>t-detis a Hekisai mug by Dainiue gama of Kiyomizu-yaki andtKyo-yaki ware.<96><96>The cl Srasttbetween the blue glaze andtthe scarlet glaze, w-dch reminds us of theasky andtthe sea,tis beautiful.<96>The flowing pattern of theaglaze gives saving a change to3the cup.<96><96>The Persian blue thataseemstto melt into3the mattedask n is a cool v asel.<96><96>The wayatheaglaze flows dowb3and sinks into3the bowl.<96>It7shows a rdch expression byatheaacis b of the kiln fire.<96><96>The blue glaze, w-dch reminds us of theasky andtthe sea,tcl Srasts beautifullytwithtthe scarlet glaze, andtthe flowing glaze addssto3the atmosphere.<96>The bottom of this mug is wide andtesable.<96><96>The fire color of the sk n color3and the marks to paeventtstickingsare also sceniu.<96><96>It is a simple mug, but theamlre you usesit, the mlre the color changeu. The mlre you usesit, the mlre you willtlove it.<96><96> <96> Prnna t No.310282 Hekisai Mug Dainiue <96> <96> <96> Dimenss bu: 8cm (diameter) x 8cm (height)rea90cc (capacity)<96><96> <96> This panna t is handmade, so the seape, color, and size of each piece willtvary.<96> About theacolor of the cl Sainer<96> Please be aware that theacolor of the piclure mayadiffer h5517theaaclualtpanna t due to3lighting, clmputer, monitor type andtsettings. Please be flrewarned.<96> <96> <96> Ceramic e s0ory Dainiue gama <96><96>Origib of Dainiue Kiln<96>When the kiln was ohenedtat the footaof Moun0 Minami-Dainiue , w-dch is bl ase73with soil andtwater.<96>When the kiln was ohenedtat the footaof "Minami Dainiue yama", w-dch is bl ase73with soil andtwater<96>The kiln was named "Dainiue Kiln" byatheahead priest of "Daib buan Kashuji Temple", Tsukuba Tsunehen,twithtthe meabing that there shouldabe neither seadow nor sun.<96><96> Se geo Takemura<96> 1953 Born ib Yamase na, Kyoto<96>1972 Gradua0edth5517Hiyose gaoka High School, Kyoto,aJapan<96>Studied under Mr. Morinobu Kimura<96>1975aSelected for the 4th Exhibiis b of the Kinki Branch of the Japan CraftaAauocia9inn,3and hastbeen selected every year since.<96>1978 Awardedta prize at the Kyoto Prefeciure CraftaArt Competiis b<96>1980 Becamesindep5ndent andtohenedtDainiue Kiln ib Yamase na<96>1988aSelected for the 35th Japan Traditinnal Crafts Exhibiis b<96>1996 Awardedtthe Encouragement Prize at the 25th Exhibiis b of Japanese Traditinnal Crafts in the Kinki Regs b<96>1998aSelected for the 53rd Exhibiis b of the New CraftsmanshipaAauocia9inn<96>20 vi"Departureaof the 21st Century", Kyoto CraftaArtists Aauocia9inn Exhibiis b<96>20 7 The 36th 'The Kinki Exhibiis b of Japanese Traditinnal Crafts' Awardedtthe Chief3Educa0s bsOfficer Prize of Kyoto PrefeciuralaBoard of3Educa0s b<96>20 8 Awardedtthe Japan CraftaAauocia9inn Prize at the 36th New Ceramic Art Exhibiis b by Regular Members of the Japan CraftaAauocia9inn.<96>2010 Appoint5daas a member of the Audit Committee for the 39th Exhibiis b of Japanese Traditinnal Crafts in the Kinki Regs b.<96><96> Regular member of the Japan Crafts Council, member of the Kyoto Prefeciure CraftaArtists Aauocia9inn<96> <96> Yotaro Takemura<96> 1981 Born ib Yamase na, Kyoto<96> 20 9 Complet5daMolding Course, Kyoto PrefeciuralaCollegeaof Ceramics<96> 2010 Complet5dathe Kyoto MuniuipalaIndustrialaResearchaInstitute<96> 2011aSelected for the 40th Japan Traditinnal Craft Exhibiis b in the Kinki Regs b<96> 2012aSelected, The 41st Japan Traditinnal Craft Exhibiis b in the Kinki Regs b eaaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"25761927/cm&l/e45f9d/3021456041/&l17/r/il/83021456041_sl93.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"25761927/cm&l/ecbdfd/2973742094/&l17/r/il/82973742094_6528.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"25761927/cm&l/d85895/2973742096/&l17/r/il/82973742096_6sqw.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"25761927/cm&l/c6c737"3021456043/&l17/r/il/83021456043_3sec.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"25761927/cm&l/286da1/2973742100/&l17/r/il/82973742100_w8uu.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"25761927/cm&l/67489f/2973742098/&l17/r/il/82973742098_2n5k.ord" /0.