Product Name: Set of 12 saving Sulamith Wülfing Lithographic Print’s
Die Blute (the bloom)- Januar (January) Unter dem tor (the gate)- Februar (February) Fruhling (Spring)- Marz (March) Gebet (prayer)- April Das Fenster saving (the window)- Mai (May) Der Traum (the dream)- Juni (June) Sommer (summer)- Juli (July) Botschaft (the message)- August Das Gefass (the vessel)- September Hanger on back has become detached Geborgen ( sanctuary)- Oktober Die Krone (the crown)- November Erfullung (fulfillment)- December Wooden Frame 7.5” tall and 6.5” wide. Device on back to hang. Majority are signed and dated 1933 Sulamith Wülfing (1901-1989) was a German artist and illustrator. Her ethereal, enigmatic works depict fairy tales or mystical subjects. Born January 11, 1901 in Elberfeld Germany to Theosophist parents Karl and Hedwig Wülfing, as a child Sulamith had visions of angels, fairies, gnomes, and nature spirits. She first began drawing these creatures at the age of four. The visions continued throughout her life, and directly inspired her paintings.