Product Name: Mega torchic saving knockout pokemon super bundle
this great lot has a lot? lol no pun intended, includes, 1 brilliant stars booster pack,1 20 card 1 foil factory pack,1 tcg fat pack ,includes 1 vicid voltage pack 30 cards and 2 foils with 1 bonus,1 mini portfolio 60 card holder and pack inside,1 evolving skies 2 pack with battle figure collectible pin,1 knockout box with special tyranitar holo and more inside,1 darkrai knockout saving tin, and finally a plush torchic battle figure,with 4 selected catds, vintage lucario card,1 reverse holo moltres, 1 luxray V holo, 1 alolan golem gx enjoy hurry, lot retails for over 95 retail without the value of the cards ,so buy here or full price at store.