54 saving half japa mala - unakite, bronzite, jade, rudrasha and Buddha amulet (BA), 54 half japa mala - unakite, bronzite, jade, rudrasha and Buddha amulet (BA) discounts
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54 saving half japa mala - unakite, bronzite, jade, rudrasha and Buddha amulet (BA), 54 mala is made of 14 unakite 14 jade 12 bronzite and 14 rudrasha (54) separated by a.
54 mala is made of 14 unakite, 14 jade, 12 bronzite, and 14 rudrasha (54), separated by a lobster clasp at the back, a dyed jade and a Buddha amulet at the front. Please note that this is a casted pendant, the back of the pendant is the inverted cast of the front. Mala is hand wired with non-tarnish copper wire in antique bronze color..
This mala is both magnetizing and pacifying.
As crystal, shell, other stone and any white malas, is said to help purify the mind and clear away mental disturbances. So it is use for pacifying mantras. Mantra counted on these beads serve to clear away obstacles, such as illness and other calamities, and purify one of unwholesomeness.
1. Rudraksha seed (金刚菩提子) (8mm)
Wood and seeds mala is use for magnetizing mantras. Rudraksha seed is a common protective emblem used in Hindus, Sikhs and Tibetan Buddhists. Legend said that it is form from a tear of Lord Shiva (湿婆).
This is 5 mukhi(face) rudraksha seed (5瓣金刚菩提子).
It is said to bring good health, mental peace, positive thinking and protect against evil and evil influences. It is commonly worn in 3 or 5 seeds.
1a. Rudraksha seed Cleaning process
These rudraksha seeds have been thoroughly cleaned and treated. I have soaked, washed and scrubbed, with bristle brush, with 3 to 4 times repeated process. As the cleaning process is very tedious, so most of them are commonly dyed instead. Dyed seeds have a beautiful orange brown color. But the dye will stain the skin, when come in contact with sweat, which many of us don't know. i am very fortunate to come across a rudrakshar dealer, who is kind enough to share the proper cleaning process of these seeds.
1b. Rudraksha seed treatment
These cleaned rudraksha seeds have also been treated with a layer of protective walnut oil, followed by a color enhancer oil (specially for seeds and nuts), to prevent drying and cracking. The color as shown in the pic are of a slightly darker tone of their original color, because of the color enhancer oil.
1c. Rudraksha seed final coating
A thin layer of Sandalwood oil (Santalum Album - 印度檀香油), these are good quality oil that does not saving leave a sticky film and gives a long lasting aroma (不黏, 香气醇厚, 经久不散). Sandalwood oil has been know as a relaxant and sedative in nature, it helps relax the nerves, reduces common muscle spasm or cramps. It also helps improve memory and induces concentration, reduces stress and anxiety (使心灵放松,净化与压力释放, 使身心舒松等效用).
Please note that these rudraksha seeds are only coated with a THIN layer of Sandalwood oil, because it is exorbitantly costly (grit my teeth to purchase. 咬紧牙关买的.) You may continue to add your own Sandalwood oil.
2. Bronzite (nugget)
It is a protective stone against any bad energies. It is worn by ancient Romans for protection against evil, danger and magic. Bronzite is also a calming and grounding stone. It promotes inner peace, stability and improves self confidence. Alleviates stress and depression, and it is very helpful with emotional problems. It reduces negative emotions like anger, replace it with loving and proper manners. It also helps to improves focus and mental clarity and are helpful in decision making.
3. Jade (8mm)
This is a stone that can help you to attain your goals and dreams, instilling resourcefulness, and allowing you to see past your self imposed limitations and manifest your ideas into the physical world. Is also a very lucky stone, facilitates peace and harmony between the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of ones life. It also help to promote courage, compassion, justice, generosity, humility, wealth and longevity.
4. Unakite (6m)
It is an excellent stone that helps removing obstacles to your personal growth. Whether it is an issue from childhood or last month's issue that is draining your energy and holding you back. It facilitates the gradual elimination of bad habits. Meditations with this gemstone will aid in releasing pain and anger that you are having trouble letting go of. And helps releasing negative emotions and the habitual thoughts that create them. It also helps to build your self-confidence, as strengthens your courage, assisting you in taking control of the aspects of your life. Giving you confidence to transform anger and fear into positive constructive energies. Like love, compassion, and patient for others.
5. Ratnasambhava Buddha (41x31mm)
Ratnasambhava (寶生佛), also called the wish-fulfilling jewel (南方福德聚宝生如来), is one of the 5 Wisdom Buddhas in the Diamond Realm (金剛界的五佛). He is seated in the full lotus posture. His right hand is extended in the gesture of Supreme Generosity, the Varada Mudra (滿願印). His left hand rests on his lap (sometimes holding the Wish Fulfilling Gem). He signifies Dharma transforming: a poverty mentality of pride, self-centeredness, miserliness, and avarice into wealth mentality of Wisdom of Equality and Generosity (平等性智, 布施)
Pride/ ego/ self-centered (骄慢, 小我) is the poison of the human realm. To be constantly concern with one's own desires, needs, or interests. Constantly dwelling in a world of self-centred pride and bias system (不平等,執著) is a poverty mentality.
Ratnasambhava comes with the antidotes to a poverty mentality.
The Wisdom of Equality
(平等性智: 破除分別心, 發無緣慈, 運同體悲)
- is about having an equal attitude to all, being equally kind, and caring towards all, equally mindful towards all, because all can grow spiritually.
- there is giving and receiving, and there is no giving without receiving. In a sense, giving and receiving are one. If giving is "good," then receiving is equally good.
The Wisdom of Generosity :
(破除个人吝啬与贪心,勤习三轮体空的布施- 无希求福报之心, 不起慢心,不起贪惜心)
- works against self-centeredness; to give one needs to be aware of others needs.
- works against greed and self-clinging; to give without expectation of reward, without attaching to either the gift or the recipient.
With a Wealth mentality one is able to understand that there is no givers and receivers; because giving and receiving are the same and therefore has no fear of loss.
Buddha image is meant to inspire us to develop our inner qualities to achieve happiness, good fortune, and satisfaction in our life.
You can do any prayers or good thoughts from any spiritual tradition with your mala. It is your thought and good motivation that makes your mala unique for your. Once your mala is used, it collects spiritual merit and considered a Dharma object. Please handle it with respect and treat it as part of your spirituality. Mala can also be used as an offering to any Buddha statues.
Mantra to bless your mala beads:
(repeat 7 time then blow over your mala)
Mantra that blesses body speech and mind:
(repeat 7 times)
Mantra to bless lives in harmony with the law of life (Dharma)
Lotus Sutra (南無妙法蓮華經):
(Repeat to your heart's content)
Mantra to purify negative karma (金刚萨埵心咒 )
(Repeat 28 times)
(this is the short version, the full version is '100 syllable')
Purification only works with your sincere regret and solemn promise to yourself NOT to repeat the negative action.
Full version : http://youtu.be/Np4q-6IIjwI (slow reciting)
Short and full version: https://youtu.be/HhiLk1293qs (21x)
Do not worry about pronounceciation, the purer your thoughts and motivation, the more powerful will be the effect of the mantras. Prayers said for others have greater power than prayers said for oneself, karma yoga.
'Always practice and apply your knowledge with a good heart', from my beloved teacher.
Mantras can be chanted in multiple of 3, 7, 9 and 27 times. Traditional japa mala is made of 108 beads, multiple of 27 mantras in 4 sets.
In traditional Buddhist, people are said to have 108 afflictions.
There are six senses - sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and consciousness
multiplied by three reactions - positive, negative, or indifference)
making 18 "feelings."
multiplied by two categories - attached to pleasure, detached from pleasure
making 36 "passions",
Multiple by 3 as each "passions" may be manifested in the past, present, or future.
All the above (6 x 3 x 2 x3 ) makes a total of 108, represented by the beads.
All mala/ yoga series will be cleansed with Frankincense incense before shipping.