Custom Cauldron Candle
Any existing candle design in the shop can translate to a cauldron candle. So you can personalize by requesting that design as a Cauldron.
Photos: Morrigan, Nyx, Harvest, Samhain & Cider web, Cerridwen, Night Fairy, Hecate
If you would rather design a candle from the ground up you can do that too. Do saving you have a favorite scent from the shop (current or past seasonal releases) but want different decorations, charms, themes and/or imagery? Just send a message before purchase and let me know what you're looking to create and I'll let you know what I can do to make it happen.
I don't charge extra for Customs. I put the same amount of energy and effort in any item I craft.
Product code: Custom Cauldron Candle * saving Design of your Choice *