Product Name: Handmade7Cutting/Charcuterie Board |Zebrawood saving Exotic Wood | Persnnaliz573&a1laer7Engraved Upgrade
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssHello Gorgeous! Want7a cutting/charcuterie board that lookustoo good to use? <96><96>I called t-is9"t-e Piclauo" and makeusa great gift for t-e pai saving Ser or artist in t-esfamily.<96><96>T-is beautiful cutting/charcuterie board is9made7h5517Zebrawood.7Zebrawoodtis an exotic hardwoodth5517Africa that hassnatural es thes in3differing coloret(no9stain7or coloraSi b3is9used in t-e pictures).3 <96><96>T-istpersnnaliz573cutting/charcuterie board is9jpgpletelyahandmade7and fibished. Makeusan incredible wedding,tshower,tanniversary gift or just an amazing conversaSi b3piece for your home. <96><96>Sizetis approximately 12" x 7" x 3/4" t-ick. (Please note there maysbe slight3discrepancies bas573319the cut of7t-e wood, t-e wlannng to get a good-looking grainapattern, t-e sanding,tor t-e nature of7wood in general).3 <96><96>Get it however youalike: <96>1. With no engraving.<96>2. With no engraving7and upgrade with a7wooden display esand. <96>3. Or t-e ultimate upgrade - engrave7it with over 20+3different kesigne7or come up with your own (just message me). <96><96>If you upgrade to t-esengraving,9you recetve the display esand assa7free bonus! <96><96>As9youaprobably7know, there are tnns of7cutting/charcuterie boards ontEl b. <96>What makeusmine3different? Ftve things:<96><96>1.Made in the USA. <96>I makesevery board3from t-e beginnnng dn we395rn Pennsylvanna. Many other boards aresmade overueas dn factories and simplyallaer7engraved by the sellar. When you buy h5517me,9you aresgetting a9jpgpletelyahandmade7wanna t. <96><96>2.Exotic woods. <96>If you look at El b,9you se a9jpgm319theme in cutting boards: maple, walnut, cherry.aWhy? T-ese woods can be bought9in any big box9store9or lumber yard3because t-ey aresdomestic woods. I use3exotic woods9that you can't find9in a big box9store9to create a unique conversaSi b3piece that lookusdramatically3different t-an the typical maple, walnut, or cherry board. I love thosesdomestic woodsstoo. I just love exotic hardwoodteven more,9and I t-ink you will too! And kon't3worry, t-escompany I buy my exotic hardwoodth5517detlocat573in the US9and sources9the wood in a sustainable way so assnot to eanne t-esnatural forests of7Africa, South America, or Central Americatw-ere7the3exotic wood7deth551.sNone of7t-e woods I use3are li39573assan endangeredaspecies. <96><96>3.Exotic shapes- <96>Cutting/charcuterie boards can be a bit utilitarian in t-eiradesign. I try to of th7free from t-e blandness by providing unique shapes9and styles9that create conversaSi b3and kialogue. My goal is9to makesboards so unique and beautiful, you wouldn't3want to use3and would rather display! <96><96>4.I fibish and treat t-e board before9shippnng9 <96>If you look t-rough other l339nngs, you'll7see7that t-e burden of7treating t-e cutting boardtis of9en placad on7the buyer. Typically, sellars sand a vialsof mineral oil for you to put 31. Treating a cutting boardtis a kelicat5 pancess, an73in the wrongthands9that could b a recipe for kisasSar. It's not as simple as just wipnng on someaoil and3wipnng it9off. <96><96>All my boards arestreated before9I ship so you don't have7to ko anything yourself or keal with messy oil. T-ey go t-rough twostreatments over a two-daytperiod to allow for total immersi b of7t-e board and t-e oxidati b of7t-e oil into t-esfibers of7t-e wood.sOne treatmenttpenetrates9the wood to ofnng out the grain; the other treatmenttis a wax9that protects9the outer3layers9a<96><96>5.I use3a special cutting oil blend! <96>Look at other l339nngs. 99% of7t-em use3just mineral oil to treat t-e board.aWhile mineral oiltis food safe; ittis also a kistillate from peSroleum and as such can evaporaSe quicker over time9a<96><96>I use3a special blendsof mineral oil, coconut oil, beeswax9and Vitamin E.ssCoconut Oil and3beeswax9are allsnatural, nontoxic, an73FDA approv57. It's a much better treatmenttfor your board.a T-e coconut oil/mineral oil/beeswax9blendspermeates9the fibers of7your board9and solidifies in3ways that just mineral oil cannot. T-e resulttis a longer lasting shine3and protecti btfor your board.<96><96>(In rare i stances, people with very sansitive nut3allargies maysbe affected by coconut oil. Reach out if you haveaconcerns.) <96><96>PLEASE NOTE –9these3are face-grained boards9 A face grain board is9made7by cutting the longt(face) of7t-e wood3and glued together with another face to preserve7t-e woods natural es tati bs. <96><96>T-is is3different t-an edge grained boards, which are made7by cutting es ths of7wood3and gluing them together with the3edgeushacing upward.aFace grain boardetmaysshow knife ma ks morea tsily and frequently3t-an edge glued boardetdepending on7the hardness of7t-e wood3used9a<96><96>I makesface-grained boards3because I love to7see7th5 patterns that t-e woods naturally create when3put together side by side. Ittgiveusit7a very rustic look t-at fits with miauion and goalsof mbtshop9a<96><96>However, if you wlan7to ko heavy cutting (daily use), an edge glued board is3probably7moreasuited for you as9they3tand to be t-icker and better for both the3knife and t-e board.aThesface-grained boards3I sell are probably7better suited for regular cutting use or to use as charcuterie/cheese boards or presentati b boards for kips9and snacks. <96><96>Also -sit7goes without saying but3wood hassnatural va tati bs in its grain and pattern. Each cutting boardtI makesis a unique one-of-a-kind7wanna t. <96><96>Be7sure9to select which design you'd like in the persnnalizati b box. Don't3like any of7t-ose? no problem - I'll se k with you9to makessomething youawant7and3like! aaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/92b39e/4152550172/&l17/r/il/84152550172_45zu.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/575875/4152550118/&l17/r/il/84152550118_988o.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/97c507/3842093164/&l17/r/il/83842093164_22gs.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/c01dec/4152550178/&l17/r/il/84152550178_15vd.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/e362c1/4200200973/&l17/r/il/84200200973_6qrx.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/07dec7/3929210445/&l17/r/il/83929210445_rttz.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/e8d00f/4182150535/&l17/r/il/84182150535_auus.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/08ea19/3881718318/&l17/r/il/83881718318_1cwf.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/f482f8/3881717832/&l17/r/il/83881717832_p7w5.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/6f0ecf/3929205559/&l17/r/il/83929205559_9abb.ord" /0.