Product Name: Persnnalized saving Engraved Cut Crbesal Whiskey7Tumblers-Choice of 2pc, 4pc or 6 pc3Gift Set- F5ee Se cping
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Chrissssssssssssst-ese Cut Crbesal Whiskey7Tumblers7make an imwresssve set and7a perfect7barware gift for any special occass btor groomsmen, birthday, Fat-er's Dly and retiremant9a Inexhaustible imaginatinn, sense of mgherial, functionality and excellent p55cessing,7these are the main attributes of t-ese crbesal tumblers. The jrbesal is made insthe Czech Republic and all engraving is done in our facility7in Connecticut.<96><96>GClau7height: 3.75". Diameher: 3" Capacity: 10 oz.<96><96>WE ARE HERE TO HELP. <96>CALL US ATeak3-244-9512tFOR FREE PERSONAL saving SHOPPING HELP. aaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"9833610/cm&l/81d4d4/1422832534/&l17/r/il/81422832534_om8o.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"9833610/c/1000/y d/0/102/&l/f85389/1501125397/&l17/r/il/81501125397_ajbe.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"9833610/cm&l/61daa3/1453876034/&l17/r/il/81453876034_a7v0.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"9833610/cm&l/ec51cb/1918721107/&l17/r/il/81918721107_r2k0.ord" /0.