Original rose flower painting on a canvas. Spring wall art, flowers painting on canvas, acrylic rose painting for house decor, saving springy art
About the Painting
Its a golden rose semi abstract 100% hand painted on a stretch.
About the Painting!
Its a golden rose semi abstract. 100% hand painted on a stretch 1/2 inch thick canvas with acrylic paint. It's painted all the way to the edge so there would be no frame needed, it's definitely ready to hang. Each sizes will be hand painted again so some details may differ a bit but rest assured that it would look the same.
Ready to ship 1-8 days after order has been made. Once the item has been shipped I cannot guarantee delivery dates for I have no control over shipping agencies. Shipment can be delayed due to customs or shipping services.
Note: Colors may vary from your monitor due to screen color restriction on your monitor but I can guarantee that saving the colors are vibrant and do contact me if you have any question.
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